Effortless Asset Management with Uni-Sense

The solution that simplifies, predicts, and empowers effortless industrial asset management

Your secret weapon for precision asset management that drives profitability and peace of mind


Managing your assets can be confusing, but there's a simpler way to regain control.

Say hello to Uni-Sense: it makes things simpler, offers predictions, and puts you in charge.


Uni-Sense is the key to effortless asset management. We've combined the power of Aerial Analytics and Digital Twin technologies to create a seamless solution that will revolutionize how you manage your assets.

AI driven solution that transforms your asset management struggles into success stories.


Explore our diverse list of industries below. If you don't find what you're looking for, feel free to reach out to us, and our team will be more than happy to assist you.

  • Unlock cost savings by optimizing resource allocation and improving asset management efficiency with Uni-Sense.

  • Streamline your asset management processes by eliminating spreadsheets, data silos, and fragmented workflows. Uni-Sense brings everything together in one comprehensive solution.

  • Stay ahead of maintenance needs with Uni-Sense. Identify and address issues proactively to enhance the reliability and performance of your operations.

  • Gain a clear and holistic view of your assets through Uni-Sense. Easily monitor and manage your assets, enabling data-driven decision making.

Your Path to Stress-Free Asset Management

Aerial Analytics

Imagine having a team of experts with eagle eyes. Our Aerial Analytics leverage AI to automate inspections, ensuring thoroughness and accuracy while reducing the burden of manual inspections.

Digital Twin

Think of it as having a virtual clone of your assets. Our Digital Twin technology creates a digital replica that enables you to simulate scenarios, predict maintenance needs, and optimize your operations for maximum efficiency.

Take the leap into a new era of asset management

Contact us now to try a demo of Uni-Sense. See how our solution can make managing your assets easier and help you make better decisions based on data.

Say goodbye to asset management headaches

With Uni-Sense, you'll bid farewell to the headaches of asset management. Say goodbye to spreadsheets, data silos, and fragmented processes. Uni-Sense brings everything together in one comprehensive solution, providing you with a clear view of your assets and streamlining your workflows.

Don't let outdated asset management practices hold you back

Join modern companies using Uni-Sense. Focus on what's important while Uni-Sense manages your assets.



    Transform maritime operations with Voyager's Aerial Analytics to streamline, automate, and improve efficiency, shaping the industry's future.


    Improve industrial efficiency and growth with advanced data analytics for better productivity, safety, and innovation.


    Manage infrastructure effectively by identifying problems early, reducing costs, and ensuring public safety for long-term stability and function.


    Enhance utility management using IoT and predictive analytics to predict problems, use resources efficiently, and provide better services for a reliable and sustainable future.


    Advance city planning using data to create sustainable, lively, and future-proof cities that boost the economy, social welfare, and environmental strength.


    Improve traffic network management using real-time data to ease traffic flow, reduce congestion, and enhance commuting, boosting productivity and life quality.


    Use aerial analytics to improve farming with data-driven decisions, higher yields, and sustainable methods, securing food production for the future.


    Improve mining with real-time monitoring, better safety, and reduced environmental impact, protecting resources and supporting sustainability.


    Adopt smart technology in railway management for efficient operations, proactive infrastructure checks, and preparedness for future challenges and opportunities.

Key Questions

  • Industry 4.0 refers to the fourth industrial revolution characterized by the integration of digital technologies into manufacturing and other industrial processes. It impacts businesses by enabling automation, data exchange, and smart technologies, leading to increased efficiency, productivity, and innovation.

  • Voyager Engineering offers a range of solutions, including Port-Sense, Utili-Vision, Agri-Scan, Infra-Inspect, Indu-Sense, Mine-View, Urban-Sense, Traffic-Track, and Rail-Inspect. Each solution is designed to address specific industry needs and leverage Industry 4.0 technologies for optimization and transformation.

  • Port-Sense enables maritime businesses to streamline workflows, automate processes, and optimize efficiency using Industry 4.0 technologies. It can help in real-time tracking, improving port logistics, enhancing safety measures, and enhancing overall operational effectiveness.

  • Utili-Vision offers businesses the ability to leverage IoT and predictive analytics for utility management. This solution enables proactive issue detection, resource optimization, and revolutionizes service delivery. It helps in minimizing downtime, reducing costs, and enhancing customer satisfaction.

  • Agri-Scan utilizes aerial analytics to provide farmers with valuable insights for data-driven decision-making. By leveraging this solution, farmers can maximize crop yields, implement sustainable farming practices, and optimize resource allocation based on accurate and real-time data.

  • Infra-Inspect empowers businesses to proactively manage infrastructure by identifying potential issues early on. By minimizing costs associated with repairs and maintenance, and maximizing safety measures, this solution ensures optimal infrastructure management and reduces operational risks.

  • Indu-Sense utilizes data analytics to drive productivity, enhance safety measures, and fuel innovation in industrial settings. By analyzing data from various sources, it helps in identifying optimization opportunities, implementing predictive maintenance strategies, and improving overall operational efficiency.

  • Mine-View is designed to transform mining operations by providing real-time monitoring, enhancing safety measures, and minimizing environmental impact. It enables mining companies to optimize their operations, make informed decisions, and ensure compliance with regulations.

  • Urban-Sense revolutionizes city planning by leveraging data-driven insights and management techniques. It enables sustainable urban development by optimizing resource allocation, improving infrastructure planning, and creating vibrant and future-ready cities that meet the needs of citizens and businesses.

  • Rail-Inspect modernizes railway management by adopting smart technology for efficient monitoring and proactive infrastructure management. It helps businesses enhance railway safety, reduce downtime, improve maintenance planning, and ensure future-ready railway infrastructure.

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